
Here are some great clips! Listen long...for the solos :)

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Information about playlist above:

Blanket of Love (scroll to top of playlist for this song) from the Joni Nichols Band album, In The Dark
written by Zach Nichols & Rocky Green
produced by Zach Nichols
acoustic & electric guitars by Zach Nichols

Vanity and Overcome from Rocky Green's album, daysyouthoughwouldneverend.
written by Rocky Green and Zach Nichols
performed and produced by Rocky Green

KW Anglo Funk
A jam song written by Zach Nichols and thrown together impromptu one evening for a student's recording project at South Plains College (Levelland, TX). acoustic guitar, electric guitar and bass by Zach Nichols

Zach Playing "Talk with God" live with BlissBliss 
click (>) the play button on the bar below.

Zach Nichols - guitar
Lang Bliss - drums
Renee Bliss - vocals
Irene Kelly - b.g. vocals
Tim Gaines - bass
David Warren - keys

Zach Playing "Without Your Love" live (rehearsal recording) with Joni Nichols Band
click(>) the play button on the bar below.

Zach Nichols - guitar
Dolf Guardiola - drums
Joni Nichols - vocals, acoustic
Jonathan Smither - bass